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If change came from knowing what to do, you would have done it already. 

There is not a scarcity of great advice. There are millions of books designed to help you succeed: Habits to be more productive, how to build confidence, tricks to lose weight, tips for building a successful business. 

And yet, reading books doesn’t seem to create your desired outcome. So, you sign up for another course, pay for another workshop, or hire another coach and nothing truly happens in your life but you gained a lot of knowledge.

Your goal is clear:

 Learn the thing you have been missing, so you can finally break through.

Unfortunately, knowing more is not the problem.

Growth doesn’t come from learning.
Change doesn’t happen because you finally find the missing piece of information.

In fact, it is quite the opposite

Change comes from unlearning.

Change happens when you UNLEARN everything you think you know. 

Breakthroughs occur when you unlearn your limitations, so you can finally listen to your own inherent wisdom.

You have had the answers all along.

You just couldn’t hear them, because your limitations were in the way.

UNLEARN your limitations and change is EASY.

I'm Britt Lefkoe.

I'm a business and leadership development coach, who specializes in coaching entrepreneurs and executives who are looking to push through glass ceilings, uplevel in their business, and create more joy and authenticity in their lives.

For over 20 years, I've been expanding upon the groundbreaking work of my father, Morty Lefkoe, whose belief-based, neuroscientific approach to business and personal development has been instrumental in the growth of individuals and organizations around the world.

My work is focused on identifying and shifting the underlying beliefs, thoughts, and feelings that are typically buried underneath layers of achieving, accomplishments, and pushing through.

My highly customized methodology helps you identify blind spots and create unwavering confidence, to accelerate growth without undiagnosed problems holding you back.


The changes in my life and the changes in my business, to say that they're staggering or remarkable, is still an understatement. I don't even recognize who I was. I was set free not to be who I was, but to be who I was created to be.

Leadership Development Program

We all have blind spots. This highly customized, business coaching program, will help you develop the clarity and confidence you need to create exponential growth in your business without working harder or longer. You will identify blind spots that cause friction in your business, so you can accelerate your business growth without undiagnosed problems holding you back.

  • Free yourself from fear of failure,  imposter syndrome, procrastination, and other common patterns so you can have true work/life balance, and feel in control of your business, your happiness, and your life
  • Reframe limiting beliefs around business, money, and value, so you can work without stress, while increasing revenue
  • Learn key insights from thousands of hours of business coaching with high achieving executives and entrepreneurs, so you can experience exponential growth in your business and your life


Phone and Email Support:
This includes support in-between our meetings

1 weekly Meeting: 
Including belief reframing, business coaching and vision work

Check-ins: Progress metrics, ask questions, problem solve, celebrate victories

Leadership Development 

We all have blind spots. This highly customized, business coaching program, will help you develop the clarity and confidence you need to create exponential growth in your business without working harder or longer. You will identify blind spots that cause friction in your business, so you can accelerate your business growth without undiagnosed problems holding you back.

  • Free yourself from fear of failure,  imposter syndrome, procrastination, and other common patterns so you can have true work/life balance, and feel in control of your business, your happiness, and your life
  • Reframe limiting beliefs around business, money, and value, so you can work without stress, while increasing revenue
  • Learn key insights from thousands of hours of business coaching with high achieving executives and entrepreneurs, so you can experience exponential growth in your business and your life


Phone and Email Support:
This includes support in-between our meetings

1 weekly Meeting: 
Including belief reframing, business coaching and vision work

Check-ins: Progress metrics, ask questions, problem solve, celebrate victories

 Laura H.

"My relationships are stronger, safer, and more effective overall. When I think about the biggest change today, I feel like I'm authentically me. Before, I was so often posturing or trying to say the right things, or to be somebody that maybe wasn't natural. And now, thanks to the work that Britt and I were able to do together, I feel like I can go out into the world and be confident and comfortable, and simply who I am."

Personal Development Program

Your potential feels out of reach. You know you are capable of something different. This 1:1 coaching program will help you break free from the shackles that are keeping you stuck. Be your most authentic self without fear of judgment. Create the life you want, not just the life you have. Reach your potential by becoming the person you were always meant to be.

  • Identify and eliminate behaviors and feelings that cause stress and diminish joy in your life
  • Live your potential by accelerating growth without resistance, you will not have to do that feels difficult, unnatural, or inauthentic
  • Create a life that you love, with the real you at the center of it
  • Dramatically improve self-confidence and worth and value by shifting core beliefs, so you can experience more joy and authenticity in your life


Phone & Email Support: This includes support

in-between our meetings

1 Weekly Meeting: Including belief reframing, business coaching and vision work

Check-Ins: Progress metrics, ask questions, problem solve, celebrate victories

Personal Development Program

Your potential feels out of reach. You know you are capable of something different. This 1:1 coaching program will help you break free from the shackles that are keeping you stuck. Be your most authentic self without fear of judgment. Create the life you want, not just the life you have. Reach your potential by becoming the person you were always meant to be.

  • Identify and eliminate behaviors and feelings that cause stress and diminish joy in your life
  • Live your potential by accelerating growth without resistance, you will not have to do that feels difficult, unnatural, or inauthentic
  • Create a life that you love, with the real you at the center of it
  • Dramatically improve self-confidence and worth and value by shifting core beliefs, so you can experience more joy and authenticity in your life


Phone & Email Support: This includes support

in-between our meetings

1 Weekly Meeting: Including belief reframing, business coaching and vision work

Check-Ins: Progress metrics, ask questions, problem solve, celebrate victories


"I was constantly aware of how my own limiting beliefs were having an impact on what I was willing to do, or on how effective I could be. I knew it was working instantaneously. She has so much presence and she was so genuine and positive and caring. It just made me feel so incredibly comfortable right away. I have absolutely loved it."

Gina W.

"I was so surprised by the impact that her group has had on my life. I had a lot of fears and doubts that made me question the next steps that I wanted to take in my life. Being able to break through that has had a massive impact on the quality of my life."

For almost two decades, I have been living out my dream to evolve the incredible work of my father Morty Lefkoe, who developed a neuroscientific approach to shifting limiting beliefs.

My work is grounded on the principle that we already have all of the answers we need, but that we are often blocked from our own wisdom. It is by unlearning these limitations that we access our true potential.

Working with me, you will receive paradigm and perspective shifts that unlock confidence, creativity, and authenticity. We will break down internal friction, create more expansive thinking patterns, and experience yourselves as powerful and confident, and learn how to create a life aligns with your values. 

You are not here to fix anything broken. You are here to fully become the person you have always been.

For almost two decades, I have been living out my dream to evolve the incredible work of my father Morty Lefkoe, who developed a neuroscientific approach to shifting limiting beliefs.

My work is grounded on the principle that we already have all of the answers we need, but that we are often blocked from our own wisdom. It is by unlearning these limitations that we access our true potential.

Working with me, you will receive paradigm and perspective shifts that unlock confidence, creativity, and authenticity. We will break down internal friction, create more expansive thinking patterns, and experience yourselves as powerful and confident, and learn how to create a life aligns with your values. 

You are not here to fix anything broken. You are here to fully become the person you have always been.

“The primary source controlling our life experience is the subconscious mind and we need to focus on reprogramming it rather than just shifting our conscious minds beliefs.” 

- Dr. Bruce Lipton PhD 

About Britt Lefkoe

Britt Lefkoe is one of the top business and personal development coaches in her field. She is an executive coach for Fortune 10 companies and works with high-achieving entrepreneurs, executives, and organizations that understand mindset is key to their success. For over 20 years, she has used a neuroscientific approach to help clients achieve unprecedented growth and create deep fulfillment. Her work rapidly removes the barriers to greater success and a happier life. Britt is passionate about leadership and personal development and has used her work to support individuals and companies globally, including taking hyper-growth tech companies through IPO. She is also a keynote speaker.

“If you want something new, you have to stop doing something old.” 

- Peter F. Drucker 

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© 2024 Britt Lefkoe
